Video - Waffen-SS

Furthering my study of the Waffen-SS Regiment.

Some chilling material, but it is necessary for me to understand what I am doing with my work. When working with sensitive topics I believe it should still necessary to preach respect to the underlying issue. And also to help develop the characters I need to understand how they would have functioned if for instance it where real, to make it believable. From this I can now learn that at the very end of the war in Germany, the pocket of resistance mainly consisted of SS troops, the personal guard. Therefore meaning there would be a higher chance that they will be most numerous within my game, or at least certainly a character you won’t be far from.

Video – German Military Uniforms 1935 to 1945

This video I found to be quite interesting because it gives a good close up look at representation of colour and texture of the various materials. The gentleman’s face I found somewhat disturbing after a while but other than that a very good video.

Book - Waffen SS-Soldier

This week I picked up a copy of Waffen SS-Soldier by Bruce Quarrie, covering this unit between 1940 – 45. Initially I just grabbed he book because of its aesthetical benefits but on taking a read I discovered that it is actually very informative.

The book goes in to relatively fine detail about the uniforms that these soldiers would have war, ranging through the ranks within the unit. Opening with a section of appearance it is goes even down the point of telling me what materials some of the clothing would have been composed of and how it would have reacted to certain conditions. For instance, trousers being made from a wool and rayon mixture result in an extremely hard wearing material, and that the standard edition German helmet was known as the M35. Information that sometimes wouldn’t be necessary but is defiantly handy to know when doing research.

Learning that Smartness took as much of a priority as practicality, you can tell that (most) of these men were proud to wear there well maintained uniforms. Individual tailoring on some of the higher ranked men wouldn’t be uncommon, specific cutting of the material and other individual markings. This is something I find highlight interesting and will be taken into consideration when moving to FMPA2, this could possibly add uniqueness to my game. Since it’s not going to be an all out gun blazing play style the player would indeed get the chance to observe uniform, and possibly use it too. So little details like this would be something an agent might consider when attempting and infiltration.

The next beneficial in the book was the illustrated drawings of field tools, things hat the soldiers would be carrying around. Again this sort of information can all be taken into consideration when developing my characters in FMPA2, creating believable unique designs.

I experienced one of my turning points when looking at this book, the character you get from the photography is marvellous. So many ideas spring to mind with regard to dress, posture and character. It’s strange because I somewhat feel bad for saying it but there is an element of style in this dress code, defiantly continuity and something unique.

I wish to further my research into photography from now on into this, along with illustration. I like the idea of capturing mood and emotion within an image. In essence I want to contain this inside my final work in FMPA2 work.

The Muckleburgh Collection

The UK’s largest privately owned military collection.

Initially I planned to visit this museum to contribute to my primary research core. Seeing equipment and uniforms first hand I believed would prove to be invaluable to my studies. I have visited the museum in the past, previous to taking on this task in FMPA1, and know how much I could attain from a trip. Being situated so closely in northern Norfolk it would seem silly not to snap up this opportunity. Unfortunately I have discovered the museum itself is closed off for the autumn and the winter months of the year, the time I will actually producing my FMPA1 section of the course.

The museum itself opens up again on the 13th of February (annoyingly the half term after I finish FMPA1) but this I hope will still be useful to me. I intent to still visit and then add the research in my FMPA2 section of the course since it will be so early in this section of the Year.


I briefly had a quick look around and I came across Rodald Volstand, a Canadian born WWII illustrator. I found hits style to be quite in keeping with what I mentioned previously in my last post. I haven’t had he time yet to look too deep but I will add a more detailed log of his work soon. Here is a quick example of his work.


Now I come to think about it, the way the various uniforms were displayed in Chris’s book gave me a few ideas of my own. The illustration style I found to be quite interesting and you can clearly see that this seems to catalyze and capture the essence of them as well. So perhaps when it comes to drawing my own work in FMPA2 I should attempt to emulate this idea, painting in a fashion that adds time to my work rather than a more pristine modern fashion for instance. I’m not entirely sure of the exact medium in which they have worked, I could can only assume that it’s a print replicating a painting. Either way, highlights for me are the grain and the ever so slightly saturated colours, although these could have been caused through the prating process rather than a deliberately feature. The effect is still entreating.

I plan to produce some sketches from these images, maybe in a similar style to work it into my research. I also wish to continue to look a little more generally into war time illustrators and other similar styles or work from the period.

Book - 20th Century Military Uniforms

Despite only just having the learning agreement I found time this week to get hold of the book 20th Century Military uniforms by Chris McNab, from my local library. Inside it contained a detailed illustration and brief on most standard German WWII military uniforms ranging from 1939 – 1944. I found these images to be highly informative. Although it only shows a singular image of each uniform and from one angle, more importantly I was able to see all the uniforms and a general. Seeing how characteristics and styles from each convey across to one and other. How they keep continuity and the general style of this nation in that period of time. Here are a few of thoes images.

As you can see it may not be quite as necessary from me to be looking a Navy uniforms and possibly even the air force but as I said before, it is an asset to still be able to take them into consideration.

Some of those I found to be most useful were defiantly the standard infantrymen and lieutenant uniforms. As you can see from these images, they are the most recognisable of the ranks from the era and possibly generate the most emotion from observation. The book also contained British uniforms also which is a bonus to me.

Link to Dissertation

When you think of my work it could be possible that you think about taboos, this is actually one of the reasons I chose to proceed with this project. With input from a visiting tutor at the college Kim Pace we discussed that it could be in my interest to do something a little more Dearing. Over the summer I had made the decision I want to do something to do with this in both my dissertation and my Final Major project, a decision I am now pleased that I took. I understand that I could be quite a strange concept to some but I believe that making an attempt at something harder is more than performing as expected.

Game Brief

I have however now managed to complete my introductory brief to the game, far more precise that my previous post I have refined the story and am now making good headway into my research.

I have also managed to select a title which I feel suits the game theme. I chose to name the project ‘lies beneath’ as a sort of pun on the physical characteristics and story of the game. Lies: referring to the cover-up of the Fuhrers death. And beneath, relating to the physical position of the bunker.


Based in Berlin Germany, or should I say underneath, this game is set 30 years after the Second World War in the bunker where the historic but controversial death of Germany’s Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was said to have take place. Instead though was actually a mere cover-up that the allies simply had to implement as propaganda to prevent widespread panic that he could still be alive as he was never actually found. The whole game is based on a secret undiscovered bunker network beneath the streets of Berlin where the Fuhrer was still in hiding a full 30 years after the war had ended, and continuing to house a whole organisation unknown to the world. The player’s point of view will be from Special Forces Military Agent in the 1980’s that through the worlds governments has been ordered to be sent down into this world to shut it down without anyone above having ever known of its existence, since a full military operation would be a public humiliation to the allies and would unearth there lie. The bunker was discovered after clues had been slowly collected by detectives over the 30 year period between the infiltration and the end of the War.

Learning Agreement

So far this week I have been working on my learning agreement for this next year’s work. Due to the scale and structure that I shall be working I have considered this to be an important part and have focus more than normal on the Learning agreement and its content. It is crucial that I structure my time correctly, and attempt to foresee any things that could happen over the next few months. I will not be able to recreate this document so with that in mind I will be dedicating as much time as possible to this to refine it.

Mind map – Research focus

I have devised a second mind map showing a clearer breakdown of my research focus. It shows everything that I would need to consider, if I were to make the game. As you can see it contains a lot more detail than the first and some of the branches are coherent with other sections, but to keep it clear I left them separated.

Mind Map

Here I have attempted to map the structure of FMPA1, showing the criteria and how I hope to link it all together.

The main focus of the mind map was to identify research areas and ways in which I can obtain material. Although very basic I felt it was important to lay down some paths through which I can proceed in a logical fashion. I will now create a second map with more focus on research areas.

Vague idea

After talks with the tutors I am comfortable for the idea that I shall be focusing on.

My idea will be based around the end of World War 2, but the actual time period in which you will be playing will be the 1970-80’s. Infiltrating a secret facility that has been functioning since the end of the war, you as the player will be acting as the infiltrator and it is your mission to shut it down and discover what has been happening over the past 30 years. I will need to produce a game brief to summarise the game theme in a more precise fashion with regard to the story and base line. I hope to produce this and post it within the next few days.

Key words

Just a quick few key word for inspiration, when developing the game idea.

Undercover, Secretive
Shock, darkness (physically)
Combining of two cultures, Confusion
Surreal idea, Original
Questionable topic, Taboos
Compelling, Intriguing