
Now I come to think about it, the way the various uniforms were displayed in Chris’s book gave me a few ideas of my own. The illustration style I found to be quite interesting and you can clearly see that this seems to catalyze and capture the essence of them as well. So perhaps when it comes to drawing my own work in FMPA2 I should attempt to emulate this idea, painting in a fashion that adds time to my work rather than a more pristine modern fashion for instance. I’m not entirely sure of the exact medium in which they have worked, I could can only assume that it’s a print replicating a painting. Either way, highlights for me are the grain and the ever so slightly saturated colours, although these could have been caused through the prating process rather than a deliberately feature. The effect is still entreating.

I plan to produce some sketches from these images, maybe in a similar style to work it into my research. I also wish to continue to look a little more generally into war time illustrators and other similar styles or work from the period.

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