Book - 20th Century Military Uniforms

Despite only just having the learning agreement I found time this week to get hold of the book 20th Century Military uniforms by Chris McNab, from my local library. Inside it contained a detailed illustration and brief on most standard German WWII military uniforms ranging from 1939 – 1944. I found these images to be highly informative. Although it only shows a singular image of each uniform and from one angle, more importantly I was able to see all the uniforms and a general. Seeing how characteristics and styles from each convey across to one and other. How they keep continuity and the general style of this nation in that period of time. Here are a few of thoes images.

As you can see it may not be quite as necessary from me to be looking a Navy uniforms and possibly even the air force but as I said before, it is an asset to still be able to take them into consideration.

Some of those I found to be most useful were defiantly the standard infantrymen and lieutenant uniforms. As you can see from these images, they are the most recognisable of the ranks from the era and possibly generate the most emotion from observation. The book also contained British uniforms also which is a bonus to me.

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