Game - The Saboteur

“Enter the seedy world of a saboteur living in a stylized 1940s Paris, where the women are sexy, the missions are epic, and the revenge is satisfying.”

Official Website

Due to be released soon, Pandemics ‘Saboteur’ offers the player a chance to dive into Nazi occupied Paris taking up the role of an Irish racing mechanic called Sean Devlin, seeking revenge on a Nazi officer that has destroyed his life. The game entails in a host of different espionage type missions with the help of the French Resistance and British intelligence. Set in the 1940’s the look and feel of the game is very strong to the time period, and the cultural styles show through. Similar to that of say Hitman or Assassins Creed the play style has been developed to encompass a sand box style of progression.

I bumped into this game news when browsing some of the profile websites and once I had viewed a few of the images I decided it would be great to have a look into for this project.

The idea has links to what I am doing, firstly the infiltration style of play and also the more importantly the taboo subject of which they have included in the theme of Hitler and the German Rich. How have they addressed this issue in comparison to me?

Here are a few images from the game, the visual style of the game I personally find brilliant, it’s something that has had a strong appeal to me. It could be something to attempt to emulate in my own design, incorporating muted/no colour with splashes of action colour to lift them out of the screen.

In way I think that the Grey scale and Red actually help to build a 3d Image as the eye is draw to key points rather than the image as a whole, much in the same way 3d works.

It certainly adds atmosphere to the scenes in the game, it is strange because some uses full colour and others use the noir style. Come to think of it it’s similar to what I have seen in graphic novels and feature film. For example Sin City and The Resistance, the art noir like style. I shall have to practice some drawing similar to this later in the term to get a better gauge on it.

With regard to the taboos, game gets away with using this subject of women and Nazi killing because you as the player has reason to be doing it, it not just mindless. With my game the principle is very similar, so the reassurance that taking risks to aid originality with cause can be profitable.

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